Farewell old friends... and the miles keep adding up!

Every so often a walker or runner has to do the hardest thing... admit their most faithful friends have gone from new, through comfortable, through worn to just plain worn out...

And so my Inov8 285s are making their way to the great recycling bin in the sky, they were my first pair of inov8s... designed foe fast moving over rough terrain, they managed in their 18 months on my feet to get: boggy in the Peak District; go up, over and around the Fairfield Horseshoe; completed my first run/walk marathon; countless short walks and long hikes; and, yesterday gave me my first blister in over 1000miles...

Not a bad return on the investment, and I will be getting another pair...

But not for a month or so...

The walking has been hard but good! As well as the old standby of the Wirral Way and walking some of the running training trails, I did 13% of the Transpennine Trail http://www.transpenninetrail.org.uk/template.asp?ID=0&parentID=481 also known as Bootle to Warrington... Just under 28miles in a day!

Tomorrow is another biggee - Bootle to Wigan on the Leeds - Liverpool Canal, about 25 miles:-D And then the weekends fun and games http://www.childrens-heart-fed.org.uk/news/upcoming_events/upcoming_events_listing/1_in_every_133_children_are_born_with_a_heart_condition._for_the_last_part_of_paul_willgosss_challenge_we_need_your_help._._._can_you_become_the_1_in_133_by_covering_your_own_sponsored_mile




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