Dolls with personalised scars, the last trainers in Merseyside and expensive days!!!
A week off the running, and only time for one climbing session... Been busy with work stuff though, data to mash in ways it wasn't designed or collected for... to see fear in the eyes of people start talking about multi-year trend analysis as a basic datum feed into a prioritisation exercise... Especially when they don't have the data.... Some days I like being me:-) Interviewed for interns, poor souls who will work for me for a year - feel for them:-) Also been working behind the scenes for my main contribution to Heart Week, its all a bit hush-hush at the moment as the last bits fall into place but hopefully it will work, raise a lot of awareness and be a bit of fun as well. The other thing is should raise is cash which will help CHF carry on doing things like Molly's Dolly - a doll you can customise to match the scars a heart kid will have following an op... Playing with someone who looks like, with the same scars so you can see that its ok to have a scar is somethin...