Two Blogs for the Price of One
Two of the sides of my existence are coming into close alignment... So, the walking and running... After the madness of a half marathon followed by a long distance path, it's been a week of gentle recovery and then off to the Isle of Man for a week of fun, visiting historic and prehistoric sites and as there was a long distance path... well it'd be rude not to! It's a walk of two halves - the first half was near perfect walking; rolling hills, short sharp ascents in places and finished at a pub with a cracking burger! It's the Crosby in Crosby. Then its road and trail walking all the way to Castletown... where I met up with some of the extended dickey ticker family (who treated me to tea!). Home from the Island it was a rapid tour of Liverpool with the Icelandic branch of the dickey ticker extended family, and a quick hug with one of the Norwegian branches... Yes, my life is as mad as it sounds. Then to a 10k, my plan was to just try and get round with min...