but for a bottle... My home half...
The Liverpool half... My home half... Running through streets I've staggered through (we do go past the brewery), past 2 of my old flats (one still looks burned out - nothing to do with me!), around 2 parks I learnt to jog around, and then down to a front I've walked along countless times... I set out with no great intention to run a PB, despite an office joke bet, but I wanted a reasonable time (when did getting around stop being enough?) for me. At 5 miles a PB was on, the 1st couple of miles are a pig, a long slow incline followed by a short sharp hill, while I'm not warmed up so hitting 61 min was a woo hoo moment:-) 10k was 76min, again within 60s of a PB pace... then I trod on a discarded water bottle (with its lid on, so it didn't squish) and jarred my foot sideways. Couple of hundred metres later I felt a twinge in my Achilles . So became stop start, jog slowly until I got a twinge then walk a bit, then jog a bit... For the last 6k, slowly watching mini-me ...