Something about work and something about gear
I don't often blog about my day job, mainly because I suspect its rather boring. However, every so often I'm involved in something I think may be more interesting, or I'm particularly product of. One of those things was launched this week, the Civil Service's Talent Action Plan. As some of you know I'm the Vice-Chair of the Civil Service Disability Network and Chair HSE's own network (known as Equal). These roles are ones that I fit in with the day job, which as some of you are probably thinking "What does he do?" is being a Senior Scientific Officer in the Corporate Science Unit of HSE, leading on Knowledge Management and Futures/Horizon Scanning and liaison with the Government Office for Science (told you it was less than riveting). Behind the scenes over the last six months the CSDN, and our sister networks on other protected characteristics, have been working with Cabinet Office to try and turn a loose concept into something that can work for...