The price of free(dom) events
The thing about running more is I have more headspace to mull things over and to draft things in my head... So, as people know I do a fair amount behind the scenes for a number of charities, not just the heart ones most people associate me with – and this isn’t a humble brag. When Jiminy Cricket says she’s a charity widow its only half in jest. Anyway, one of the things that always gets on my wick and therefore I will get off my chest is the concept of a “free event”. There is quite simply no such thing in charity world, probably in no world, but I’ll stick to the charity world for a reason. At its easiest a free event costs look like this: 1) Time to take the call/email about the offer of tickets etc. 2) Time to check that this is legitimate, that it meets the charities aims and objectives, that it’s something you want to be associated with and to agree how its going to be advertised. 3) ...