Niggles and Motivation...
I have a niggle, shouldn't be a surprise, and its a return of an old friend - the puffy foot. In the words of my GP, "you've got chronic soft tissue damage - what do you expect, how many times have you twisted it?" So when I've hammered it, it puffs up... Not a lot I can do about it, if it gets too bad then I'll pop to the doctors and get tablets that are banned in horse racing and normally induce a whole cascade of rumours - water tablets are well known to my dicky ticker community, and normally for heart failure. So the rumours do circulate. Trust me, everything is working as it should... So, a week of recovery (that was in the plan from the start), just walking and pottering about to keep things active. I don't often blog about work, because quite frankly one bloke sitting at a desk drafting stuff isn't that exciting. However, this week Civil Service Live came to town and I ended speaking at it twice. It is very easy to be very cynical...