To PB or not PB that is the question.... and the wibbly wobblys have begun...

The long range weather report is near perfect...

Then 5km run was good (34:30), felt easy...

The mild cold is retreating...

The protein has been eaten...

Moving on to the carbs....

Now do I go hell for leather and try and set a PB on Sunday?

Next Tuesday is my annual cardiac check up; chat, ECG, echo and I should be out in an hour or so... Apart from its never that easy, every year I start getting worried, start wondering what if somethings gone wrong, do I need a valve doing, have I overdone the exercise, have I underdone the exercise, has the stretching and pulling in climbing done something...

Rational fears or irrational worries - I don't know. But its a distraction, that slight buzz of an irritating mosquito somewhere in the room that you can't find.

All I can do is concentrate on the rest of my life and work out my strategy for Sunday... Ho Hum, bust be the Cardiology Blues...




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