The day after a run, the night before the annual check up... Never gets easier!


It's started...

The inability to focus...

The irrititableness...

The lack of sense of humour...

The gnawing worry...

The fear of the unknown...

It's the night before my annual check up, if you checked my blood pressure it would be higher than normal... As much as I know, and have been told, that I'm fitter than I've ever been... Running PB's and climbing harder (both in terms of grade and endurance) should mean that I'm going in confident and proud of what I'm able to do... But I'm not!


I think I've worked it out, or at least part of it... I have little control over the dicky ticker, I can do the same things as everyone else to keep it healthy, but one day it might decide to get more dicky... Lack of control is one of the main stressors in study after study.., and boy do I know it!

So the plan for tomorrow, go and see my diabetic nurse for the results of my latest blood test (I have more control there, so even if the news isn't brilliant I have some way of adding to my control), a little bit of work, then off to see my cardiologist...

Must remember to tell them both about the MBE, that might shut them up for a second... Wishful thinking but worth a go!

Oh well, off to gibber quietly in the corner, watch the gadget show and go for a stroll to stretch the legs

Wish me luck




  1. So it doesn't get easier as you get older?! Hope all goes well - will be thinking of you tomorrow. Pity you've not got the MBE to wear as you walk in for maximum impact!

  2. Fraid not... Get more used to it I guess... It did go down well with my cardiologist:-)


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