
I've said before that I'm a lucky sod, I've met many of my heroes, that strange mix of people who inspire me and keep inspiring me.

And so on the way back from a weekend in Scotland we took a detour, rather than head straight to Liverpool we went down the the east coast to see one of these heroes of mine.

Kieran is a try-er, he doesn't stop trying... I remember walking with him up Mam Tor, him in not a good way, his heart not in the best of conditions.  His humour and sense of wonder of being in the outdoors was infectious.  He fell asleep in his pint, but a legend was born.  The next day he pulled on his boots and walked again.

That was a while ago and since then he's been given one hell of a gift, he's had a heart transplant and is trying again to do what he can to say thank you for that gift.  He's run the London Marathon, twice, and jumped out of a plane.  All of which have raised cash... But he's had a dream, for as long as I've known him of walking around the coast, the coast of Britain.

And so he's reached the point in his life where this is possible, if not sensible... I saw him on Day 1, back in London as he was full of enthusiasm and had a rucksack that was far too heavy... and I saw him in Belford, still full of enthusiasm and with a rucksack that was still far too heavy - but long distance walking is like that, your rucksack is always far too heavy!

He has changed a bit - the beard is a novelty...

The pose, well its the pose ,of that well known Gooner Sir Mo!!!

So this is a post with a message - support him, his efforts are going to fund research into congenital heart defects, so sponsor him... Also if you can, take him in for a night, he is house trained but might be a bit weary.  He's just reached Scotland, so if you can put him up, or throw him a scotch egg then please do.

His website is here - https://atrailoftwohearts.com

and you can donate here - https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ATrailofTwoHearts


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