In every training plan...

There will be three things...

1) the cold
2) the injury scare
3) the bug...

Until Sunday my training had been subject to 1) for a week of a head cold and then immaculate, perfection personified.  It was too good to last, and this Sunday my stomach decided it didn't want to play - yes I may have had a bad week at work and with other stuff, and then a busy day on Saturday but it was a very good day.  Yes I had a drink, but I've run further on more...

Eighteen miles was the plan, and it didn't happen. Ten grumpy miles did, however ten that included the two hills from hell on my training route and on the run itself, and was the sixth fastest 10 miles I've run.

It's easy to overanalyse and get yourself into analysis paralysis (trust me, I'm an analyst I can put myself in spirals over data at any time and if I'm being mean can sucessfully argue that night is day and day is night with other analysts), however it was 3) the bug... I know it was a bug because I still had it 24h later, haven't been hungry, and only now 48h later am beginning to feel more like I should.

So, the analyst is at work - next weekend is now the 18 miles, the rest of the plan stays as it is... It means I'm only going out to 20 miles once, but I've normally only managed that (1, 2 or 3) have seen to that.

It's a risk, but life is... And at the end of the day, it's only 26.2 miles... I know I can run them, slowly, if needed with plenty of walking.  But that's the contingency not the plan... The plan is to run as much as I can.

Next up is a 10k either tomorrow or Thursday morning... oh, and an essay...




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