Knees, whoopsy daisies and packing...

Bugger... I was meant to be doing a fifteen mile marathon training run this weekend... However, I have a large dent in my knee, a left over from last weekend - when it looked like this: So, the fact I'm still moving is a bonus, though unsurprisingly if I put any running weight on it, it objects strongly... So no running for a week, just walking... Ok I was in the Peak District for three days this week so not too bad ;-). However, it has blown a bit of a hole in my marathon prep. The plan this time has always been to combining a one run through of the miles; I was doing reasonable halves, so a couple of 15s, a 20 in early Sept and some toughening up stuff... Losing a 15 miler now isn't too bad, given that I'm heading north at the end of the week. Three days at the Fringe - museums open at night (with booze), a history of porridge (with tastings), some comedy (disability flavoured and others often just wrong), some Shakespeare (Othello by an all female troupe) and some of the other stuff Edinburgh has to offer - an Escher Exhibition, the baked spuds with McSween's veggie haggis and the occasional pint of heavy... Why none of the hard stuff? That's because of the following week - 105 miles and about 10 distilleries to try... As normal the packing is an art form; from the bottom: Feet - one of two pairs of decent socks, rotated. TNF Lightwave shoes, Keen sandals for the evening. Legs - One pair of walking trews, one pair of tracksters, one pair of lightweight waterproofs Grundies - technical and seamless Tops - three technical t-shirts (rotated) and one paramo long sleeve top. Berghaus Hyperterm and TNF point five (warmth and waterprrofing) Bag - 33l Osprey Talon Washkit - minimal inc pocket towels Water bladder Tech - main phone, walking phone (it's waterproof), kindle and fire tablet Camera - EOS M Charging bits and bobs... Cicerone guide and map, ViewRanger on the walking phone and fire with the Speyside Way maps downloaded. The accommodation is booked, and ranges from a near perfect looking mini-hostel (with sauna), through to a posh B&B (twice) - even has a named chef - more traditional hostels and a pub. The walking should be good. An easy 10 miles to break myself in, then 20, a couple of 15s (with hills), a big 25 mile day and 10 to finish. So a missed 15 isn't looking too bad:-) So, this week is about getting the day job done to the point I can walk away and leave the blackberry behind and making sure the right gear is in the right bag... TTFN Paul


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