and breathe... it's time for fish, chips and curry sauce

It's almost done, the End of Module Assignment - EMA in the secret Open University code language - is written, and a friend is proof reading it before I send it in.  For better or worse its done.

With a course as wide ranging in time, space, and philosophies, I'd be surprised if any of us on the course have taken the same route to an answer, let alone have any commonality in our choice and use of independent references.

So hopefully, I'm a fiddle and a re-read away from finishing my first third year course with the OU.  

Have I learnt anything?

My core of scientific based atheism is unchanged, my belief that the world is held back by the energy wasted on religion is unchanged. 

My appreciation of some people has greatly increased, Rabbi Regina Jonas' story should be taught to anyone and everyone about how you can treat people with inhumanity not just by torturing and killing them, but by trying to forget they existed.  If you read nothing else I prattle on about please look at this one -

I have a wider appreciation of why some people do things that I find truly odd, and I've developed a fascination with the hijab as an art form, seriously the layering, the possibilities for accessorising and then the economic, cultural and religious overlays on that. Watch - 

Throw in properly looking at how fashion can limit how groups interact, and display power relationships, and I'm in a world that sweaty running gear has not equipped me for.

And that's the point, whether I was looking at fashion in South East India or working out what the feck dispensational pre-milleniumism is, and its impact on foreign policy, I was in a world that I barely knew, and now know exists.

The challenge of learning something new, outside your comfort zone is one I enjoy.  Yes at times (yoga and intellectual property rights springs to mind) it was a bit of a trudge, but those were the days when I watched the hijab videos and smiled, or re-read Rabbi Jonas' story and got angry.

So what now, now I await the comments and focus on getting a good essay in.

And then I have a summer of fun.  Walks to walk, a half marathon in a couple of weeks, and marathon training to do. And then I'm back in the arts world - Renaissance Art reconsidered, an in depth look at some beautiful art I like, and the new stuff - how it was made, and what meanings were implicit and explicit in the art forms.

So, tonight is Fish Chips and Curry sauce.  I've a 10k to do this weekend (my plan has slipped due to the cold/hay fever combo that has wiped me out this week) it's time to plan adventures big and small (and read some books for fun!).




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