A thank you letter....

To my Delightful Dane,

I’ll be writing another blog about the big stuff, the important stuff and the impressive stuff but this is a blog to thank you for giving me a little thing back… My desire to run, and run well.

I’ve never had anyone say they were starstruck to meet me, or that that they weren’t sure what to say. I hope that I lived up to your expectations because at the end of the day I’m just a middle aged man who runs around a bit.

You reminded me that to run is both fun, and for us GUCHs, a privilege. Your courage in accepting that bet from your dad to run a 10km made me smile and warmed my soul and I remembered the “running bets” I’ve had with myself and others; can I do a marathon, can I run a 10k then a half marathon without walking, can I complete an Ultra-marathon.

Thank you for inspiring me, again, to deal with my busted ankle and get back out there.  You will let me know when your 10k is and that day I will be running as close to the time as possible a 10k.  You more than likely will be faster than me, you are a LOT younger than me, but as I said it doesn’t matter if we come first, last or anonymously in the middle of the pack we run for the love.

By now you’re probably in floods of tears, so thank you for the too. But use the energy wisely my young runner you have miles to go before night falls.

Your fellow countrywomen with their mad rollerblading and cycling exploits have helped as well, but there is a bond between runners, a bond of sharing that others don’t always get – a bit like the bond between GUCHs, so run on; create your own legends and when you need a lift to pull on the trainers and hit the road I hope that someone like you comes along and reminds you as you reminded me…

Thank you from the bottom of my crazy heart

We will run together



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