The determination returns...

I've said before that I'm crap at being ill...

But I'm recovering...

And that solid core of who and what I am is still there.  Reinforced by what I helped happen at the weekend.  The CHF team worked hard over the last 8 months to get the programme set up and ready to roll, sweet talking & strong arming companies to get the maximum bang for every penny that is raised for us.  The volunteers, that small army of people who cheerfully and freely give their time, are heroes one and all - the nurses who were there all weekend, both in case of problems (they've never been needed for anything cardiac) and also just to chat to parents & kids, the people who manned the stands, the bouncy castle and face painted for hours on the Quayside. 

The parents and kids were there to enjoy themselves, and from what I saw and heard they did - these weekends are about creating a bit of space so families can be families, and chat to families who get the issues they all face.

Me? I go and be me... That included getting the trainers on and going for jog.  The first in 10 days.  And it was, as it should've been... Fine. Not fast, I went out at marathon pace.  Nothing twinged too much, it was warm (it was London, even running early meant it was warm) and it felt good to get back out there.

The news on Friday was that I wasn't going to be part of the Trail Team 2014 - Six out of 100 are odds that even I can't beat on this occasion;-) The six chosen are some of the luckiest people I know, based on the training day I went to in London they are going to be inspired beyond all reckoning and also have the opportunity to inspire us, and anyone else thinking of going out and having fun as only as trail runners can.

So, I'm back... And I'm beginning to feel like doing mad things.  This weekend is the Liverpool Rock and Roll Marathon, my hopes of building on London were just hopes.  I'm now going out to enjoy it, plod my way around and hope that some of the parents and kids are watching on social media and realise that when I've a stupid grin on my face at 20 miles when almost all around me are in bits it is in large part due to them.

After that, I've three days in the Peak - a couple of recces for the Peak Ultra in June and something fun for me... A jog around Kinder (as in the plateau) sounds about right at the moment. I just need to work on something for the second half of the year... time to get the books out...

So thanks to all at the weekend... the CHF top is being worn, the grin and determination is there, and I will finish (not least because there's beer at the end!).

Guess its time to start carboloading :-)




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