The Break Fortnight...

Diary congestion is a pig...

London; done, dusted, photos bought...

Gentle recovery done during the week - keep moving Mon & Tuesday; Wednesday use a work trip to Buxton to take a stroll over a hill...

Only 5km stroll, but it felt good for three days after a marathon, Thursday and Friday more of the same, keep moving and keep loosening off the tight bits and testing for damage...

No damage.  All good then, Saturday was a stroll with friends in the Clywdians, 8 miles, one short sharp nasty climb - this time fully loaded for next weeks challenge.  The Fellsman has a strict equipment list; five top layers, two bottom, first aid kit, emergency food, woolly hat etc... All sensible stuff, but even with my predilection for gear it all adds up. 

Another cracking day on the hills -

The legs worked again - I'm not sure why I'm so surprised, but I am...

Sunday was a route recce for the Liverpool Rock n Roll Marathon - why?  Because it went places I don't tend to go in Liverpool and there's something odd about not knowing where your home marathon is going.  And I'm glad I did.  Liverpool isn't flat... But even I was surprised by the sheer number of hills they've managed to find...

However, if the runners look right when we go over Everton Brow they will get a treat to make a lot of it worthwhile..

A full world heritage site laid out - the panorama doesn't quite do it justice, but we could a have a view to the hill I was on the day before. I hope not, as that probably means it'd be another hot day...

And today was the fateful day where I pulled the trainers on and ran for the first time since London.  A new route, taking in Goodison & Anfield to take me up that hill, and build a little more strength in my legs.  It's more psychological that physical, but a gentle 5 miles, and yes my legs were heavy but I kept running, no walk breaks, and enjoyed it...

So, the plan - join the Rock n Roll people for another one of their fun 5km's on Wednesday night - more luminous body paint I'm afraid.  The Fellsman, it's got to be better than last year - Fellsman Muck Up - gentle recovery after that - however far we get and then on to what I'm sure will be a fun week - up the BT Tower for work, and the publication of something I'm insanely proud of being involved in, the to the Berghaus day in London - hearing from people who've run the length of South America... Now that's good going, and whether I get chosen for Chamonix or not meeting others with similar loves and madness's as mine will always be a good day...

Now where is my emergency marzipan?




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