Running out of time...

The cold has finally gone, I've managed two good runs and a couple of longish walks this week.  No ill effects, I even managed to drink and run at the same time without choking:-)

So where am I in terms of my training?

I can readily run 10km, I can run at full pelt on up to about 5 miles.  I've not gone further than 10km and I've not done much speed training. 

Oh, and I'm two weeks away from a half-marathon and 4 weeks away from an off-road marathon.

My every rule in the book I should be a little worried, but this is where all of the run last year come into play.  I know these runs are going to hurt, I know I can do them and stay hale and healthy and I know that thoughts of PB's and good times are will of the wisps.  These runs are now probably what they should have been from when I booked them, staging posts on to the rest of the year and the madness that is yet to come.

At various points last year I was knocking off half marathons for fun, 2 in one weekend, one an evening after work. It is that confidence I need to channel over the next couple of weeks, paced and focused running - two runs in the week and then an offroad jolly next weekend.  Then a gentle taper, one of the quirks of my running is that I've got my best times when I haven't tapered, my strength and confidence seem to be linked more than the normal carbohydrate and muscle tiredness regimes others use successfully.

So, miles to do (and an essay to finish)... This weeks run were fun, both while I was in London - the first makes a delightful walk...

The second one was a trip to a favourite place... and a trot around a fine old lady with a shiny bottom

So, gym in the morning...




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