So that was 2012...

As you'd expect there's going to be some running mentioned... But as ever its worth pointing out that like most of us who've ended up in this crazy congenital heart world I've been, at times worried sick about friends (and still worried about some of them... ), I've lost friends (and run with tears flowing down my face, and howled with rage at the night sky), and I've made new ones...

Meeting parents and especially the kids who've been through so much so recently always inspires me to keep trying, in my own way, to help.  I can't do the surgical thing, or the medical thing but I can do the me thing.  The me thing isn't just the running, that's just the easiest bit to share, and hopefully a lot more interesting (if only for the nice places I go!) than reporting back on meetings... and more meetings... and hours on the train!

One meeting I couldn't skip over in the Eurohearts conference in Copenhagen - every two years we gather, share knowledge, and love, and try and work out how we can work as a bunch of GUCHs better in the future.  We don't always agree, but we do always have a cracking game of football - Bringing the World Together

If you are a running buff then link up with Kevin - he's a bit of a nutter, and is training for his first marathon in the Spring -

So how do I sum up this year in running... The simplest way is this cut and paste from my Garmin uploads...

Garmin connect collects your "Personal Record" PBs in UK English for them, and puts them in a nice table.  As I hope you can make out every date is 2012.  From 5km to Ultra I've run a PB, and good PBs.  It's been a 10% up to, and including, Half Marathon; 5% at marathon and just completing the Ultra was enough.

But, numbers are only a third of the story... The big two thirds was the fun I had and the awareness I raised... Each of the runs above were good fun, hard work but good fun.  The runs, and walks in between, have been good fun too... The highlight was Running at the Speed of light - the second time a piece of performance art I've taken part in has been on the UK's main TV programme about the arts.  Running up and down, and around in the dark on the side of Salisbury Crags will live long in the memory:-) As will my adventures in fell running - the mad descents on the Great Trail Half, the long boggy slogs across the Peak in the 12.2...

The best of the runs were with friends, often only seeing them at the start and the end... All of us running our own races, but keeping an eye out for each other.

The awareness you've seen on on here or facebook - the kind words said by parents (and the kids, especially the kids) makes much of the blood, sweat and tears disappear - so thank you!

I set myself the target this year of completing an Ultramarathon and doing 2012km in the year... I did the first in October and the second I passed with the company of damn good friends in  November.  I freely admit I've taken the foot off the peddle for the last month or so, but I needed to do that to let myself recover fully before the 2013 insanity begins.  So I've added about 100km in a month - so my final figure for 2012 will be 2112km walked or run - just over 1300miles.  176km (109 miles) a month, just under a marathon a week, not bad for someone who wasn't allowed to do cross country at school:-D

I'll regale you with the plans for 2013 in 2013.  So have a good New Year, stay safe and as healthy as you can be.  Best case I'll see you on a run, worst case in the pub;-)




  1. You've had an amazing year and continue to inspire x

  2. As a heart parent, scared for the future of our heart child; your character, fun and determination has given us hope. You are always honest when we are confused and you are admired by our kids, but more special to Samuel who really looks up to you. It helps his confidence being with you and he looks forwards to when he next gets the opportunity to see you. Xxx

  3. I'm blushing...

    Thank you both! And tell Sam to be good, like I always am;-)


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