Nervous? Moi?

At some point in every training plan there comes a point where you look at the plan, and go "Oh Shit! I'm doing what this weekend???"

Intellectually you've seen it for weeks and months, you've known about it... But that's different from feeling it, and very different from doing it.

When I was training for halfs, it was the 10 miles run...

When I was training for Marathons, it was the 18 miler...

This weekend its the 2 x 13 milers... Yup... 2 of them...

Saturday morning...




Sunday morning...

I'm not bothered about pace, it's just about doing it and then doing it again.

The obvious question is why?

Most of the endurance training I do is about two things - time on my feet so my body is used to the pounding  and running the second half of any event.

Tomorrow and Sunday are about that second half... I've done 38km (23 miles) from Last Sunday, and I can feel most of them...  Sunday will hurt, but that hurt will help me get through in  5 weeks time...

Which is all nice and intellectually sound... As for feeling it and doing it... I'll let you know.

Now it's time for a late bowl of pasta, each of the runs will burn around 2000cals, so pasta is needed 




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