A musical interlude - Might for right, not might is right...

I grew up with my nose stuck in many a book; my favourites then are still some of them now - The Scarlet Pimpernel, Sherlock Holmes, Tales of Robin Hood and King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

Not having a set of particularly robust male role models I sought solace in tales of daring do, mystery and chivalry.

I also like musicals, and much to some of my friends disgust, and love Camelot and Man of La Mancha partly because they draw together some of themes from the books I loved and made them manageable.  They also managed to turn pages and concepts into a line or two of song...

Might for right, not might is right -

I've said elsewhere I don't like bullies, and its a sad fact that some who've been bullied find the attraction of the power that brings when they encounter someone they have some level of power over too tease, bully and impose themselves on that person becoming that which they hated most.

And boy, is that a seductive trap... Checking yourself constantly, getting those closest to you to check, and checking that when you provide help and advice you do it for the best of reasons...

Checking doesn't mean you have to always agree with people, and if they are wrong and present a risk to themselves or others they do need to be told... So get those people to check, review and let you know how close to the line you're getting...

Of course the recipient of the advice may not welcome it, especially when they are in the wrong - well that when you have to develop a suit of armour of your own.  Doing the right thing against the tide of popular opinion is a tough river to swim...

Man of La Mancha gave me the first nickname I didn't hate, or was from someone trying to bully me by making a joke of my heart condition.  It was from a friend now long dead, who saw behind the shield of humour, daring do and fire & brimstone passion to see a knight of woeful countenance

- tilting at windmills is something I seem to excel at, occasionally I may even catch my Dulcinea...

Finally, its not been a good week in the UK dicky-ticker world and while the rage against the night has been and gone there is now just that lingering feeling -

So to misadventures, if not adventures my friends




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