The essence of a challenge...

So I asked for challenges... and I've got a beauty up first...

For me, to be effective a challenge needs to be just beyond what is normal; so 200km in a month is that. Especially as its a month where I've not got a weeks walking planned (nor can I fit one in).

It needs to have a symbolism... 40km a week for the first month of my 40th year... yup that ticks that box.

Needs to scare me a little... yup, the equivalent of just under a marathon a week for 5 weeks does that a little...

Can I do it, the answer should be yes... if everything works. However, I've things booked for every weekend in November (some will count to the total, some won't)...

As for this weekend, a nice gentle 15 miler from Hapton to Colne and then a cold cut in cancelling out the 10miler planned for today. At this stage it's not a major problem, I've done the miles, I just need to be fit for the day... so no pushing it when I don't need to!




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