There will be mud! - A thank you...

There will be mud, and rock, and scree and grass and bog and everything that the great British countryside will throw at me... and a new pair of boots to test on them.

A new pair of boots I've been given by Hi-Tec, to use on the coast to coast walk, as with any boots they'd be useless if they didn't fit my feet, and that's something that only time will tell for real.

However, first impressions are good - they fit, and are comfortable for a day pounding around the office, the lacing system has made me an instant fan - mini-hinges on the eyes will allow me to lace in a huge range of options (and yes I do swap how I do my laces, and can bore for Britain on the different options!).

And they look stunning!

So, my job over the next couple of week will be to test them with my packed rucksack over as many hills as I can find. Will they work as well as they promise on the first look - lets hope so!

What I do like about Hi-Tec, is they do give good advice - this is their leaflet on choosing a walking boot... which covers everything I tell my friends who ask me for advice:-)

So thank you again to Helen and the team at Hi-Tec, I'm afraid I'm going to get your gear muddy, scrapped, battered... but you knew that!




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