if it was easy...

4 weeks until the Liverpool Half Marathon... Last year it was a stepping stone to the Edinburgh Marathon, this year its a stepping stone to the Coast 2 Coast...

4 weeks to get the timings and speed right, 4 weeks to perfect any race strategies I want to try... Part of me would dearly love to be one of my mates who can just blat out 13 miles without thinking about how to do it... But if it was easy I probably wouldn't do it.

As regular readers know I'm also type II diabetic, so as well as keeping an eye on my heart rate I need to balance my bodies cravings for carbs with my bodies inability to process them properly... Not always an easy balance, as my diabetic nurse will testify, and this half of the year I'm trying a different approach, so we will see at my 6 month diabetic check up if the balance is better!

As regular readers also know this blog was always going to be honest... Another GUCH friend, and member of the GUCH Walking Club, died a little while ago. I don't particularly like recycling blogs, but everything I said here http://walkingforheartkids.blogspot.com/2010/05/this-game-of-ghosts.html holds true...

So, my next 4 weeks are planned out, miles to run and carbs to chew... The 190-4-190 is beginning to pick up momentum, my walks are now all with a pack with the gear in I'll be using, the sponsorship letter to outdoors companies is ready to roll and this week I try and get a draft press release to CHF for their ok - so if you're interested let me know.




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