The night before a run...

The kit has been checked... so lets do it again...

The weathers been checked... so lets do it again...

Every runner will have their rituals, whether they admit them or not... Me, I'm re-reading the run magazine to check nothing has changed from last year. I've checked my kit, yep its still in the same place as last night, the number is still pinned on. The bag for the baggage van is ready to be packed, and the extra number already pinned on it...

So whats left - the GPS watch is charging, the timing chip is ready to go, the wristbands for the bus are out on the table, the hydration sack is chilling...

Which leaves a couple of important things to do...

1) Wake up
2) Get the transfer bus
3) Run
4) Enjoy it
5) Meet up with people at the end
6) Get the bus back back

Hmmm... about number 3...




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