The final thousand paces...

The morning suit is hung, the shoes polished to a high shine, the champers chilling in the fridge for the train down...

The last 11 months have been about waving the congenital heart disease flag across the UK, whether for the Children's Heart Federation, GUCH PA, the GUCH Walking Club or just generally. Congenital Heart Defects have appeared in national magazines, local papers, across the internet, facebook and twitter.

I promised way back that this would be an honest blog, and I've stuck to that. Those of you who've read each blog will know that its a year where people I've known have died, had operations, worried me silly and made me smile with their approach to living life.

And that's what this has been about, me living my life... Yes, this year has been something special, pushing myself to new limits - the Edinburgh Marathon, the constant need to push through the miles. Getting to the top of Snowdon on a crystal clear day, the friends I've walked with from the GUCH Walking Club, from work and leading the GUCH Annual Awareness Walks in Cambridge.

And now it comes to the 2nd ending, I extended to 1500km when I realised what an effort training for a marathon was and how far above the 1000km I would be heading, and I've made that too.

There are a bunch of people I should thank, but wouldn't thank me for naming them on here - in fact one has suggested what would happen with my bits and how far they'd be from the rest of my body if I mentioned them more than in passing. What have this motley crew of friends provided, mainly abuse... Commentary on my sanity at various points... Running partners... Advice on hydration... Advice on fuelling... and wholehearted encouragement to carry on when I've been at a low ebb.

So, what's planned for the last month... I'm going to keep you in suspense for the big event, until after the trip to Buckingham Palace when there will be literally a month less. What I can guarantee is that I won't be sitting on my ass...

So, I'm going to polish my cufflinks, practice my curtsy, and get ready for a day where not just my efforts get recognised but I hope those of every GUCH and parent whose ever said "this needs to change" and done something about it.




  1. Hope you have a great day! Well done on everything that you have achieved and good luck for those future plans! x


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