Anyone know a good greasy spoon in Manchester City Centre?

That feels better! After the Liverpool Half and the walking the week after I felt like crud, and more importantly just didn't feel like getting my sorry ass up and wobbling around the streets of Liverpool.

So, a week off (well 5 days, but all in work so it felt like a full week) 10.5km (a quater-thon, apparently) jog to a mates to help drive some poles in (think Stonehenge), dig out a water butt (without killing the frog) and generally potter... Apart from random comments, potentially smutty, about my stamina no one got hit by the pole driver, the frog survive intact - and I had pie and chips bought for me:-)
Today was a nice gentle 5 miles, with the gang I run with of a lunchtime, sole objective to get round and feel reasonable good about it... Which I did:-)

I'm also climbing well, which always helps my psyche... And even got a 1/3rd of a way up a constant overhang wall... Ok if I hadn't gone the wrong way and hanged around for 5min working out which way to go I'd have got further, but its a start:-)

Tomorrow is a break day, Thursday I go for my first sports massage - just to loosen off the legs and then Saturday night I'm doing this:A nice gentle 26.2 miles, around the streets of Manchester, NO RUNNING ALLOWED! We're set off at 10pm, so I should be finishing about 6am on Sunday... Greasy Spoon? Anyone?




  1. Oo that sounds pleasant Paul - no running allowed. Enjoy.

    My legs are tad sore this week too. We did Helm Crag to Far Easedale on Monday and Helvellyn (by the non-technical route ie straight up) on Tuesday. Visibility at the top was about 25 ft. Don't you just hate it when that happens? All that effort for no view. Grrr.


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