More dark days...

Another GUCH I know through the European Conferences died this weekend. The shared experiences at these conferences make you care for people you may only meet a couple of times in your life. That she was married to another GUCH just makes the pain worse, that you know that a fellow GUCH is hurting in a way you can't help with, and given the distaance can only send email hugs.

These conferences are great you do end up knowing that you're not alone, knowing that there are others that have been through the same and want to put something back - through their involvement in thier National organisations - is a great motivator to keep doing what you can to help all GUCHs and all of those affected by CHD. But there are times when sticking your head in the sand seems like a better option.

Tempting though that is, I won't, I can't.

Only yesterday I "found" a GUCH online who'd never met/spoken to one before - They now know GUCH PA exists and that a lot of people with their condition are out there and that SHE IS NOT ALONE.

The walk today is immaterial compared with losing another GUCH, but 10km up Mam Tor and along the Great Ridge to Losehill, followed by tea in Hathersage is normally a good walk and today was what I needed to clear the cobwebs.




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